PulseQE: Industry-leading Stability and Throughput
Tau Science’s innovative PulseQE system modernizes one of the most powerful diagnostic tools available to PV manufacturers and researchers: Quantum Efficiency. Using a combination of patented optics, LED light engine, and analysis techniques, PulseQE provides exceptionally stable results while it increases measurement throughput by more than 1000x over existing QE systems. Broadband Reflectance, External QE, Reflectance and Jsc are measured simultaneously over the wavelength range 300-1580nm. The system can be built in several configuration including Desktop, XY Mapper, Module Scanner, and Inline Inspection systems capable of 3500 UPH.
Desktop system configured with dual probes for III-V R&D cells.
PulseQE Desktop provides a high-performance, low-cost system for R&D labs that do not require automatic XY mapping. The light engine may be configured in a variety of wavelengths, including options for small-spot and large-area illumination, simultaneous reflectance with an integrating sphere and DC bias. The user may adjust the pulse duration from DC to 1 kHz, to accomodate a variety of solar cell types.
Mapper generates 3-D maps of EQE, R and IQE at each wavelength, as well as a Jsc map that is calculated from each EQE spectrum in real time.
PulseQE Mapper adds an XY scanning stage and provides fully automatic cell measurements and calibration. As the cell is scanned, maps of EQE, IQE, R, and Jsc are displayed on-screen in real time and stored in text format for later analysis. Combined, this information is assembled into a 4-D data set and can be displayed in 3-D movies. Features include light biasing, electrical bias, auto calibration, integrating sphere, and a configurable spot size.
Module Scanner: 3-D map of a six cell area.
Module Scanner is the latest addition to the PulseQE family, and it can be configured for smaller 'mini-modules' that are used in R&D labs or for full-sized modules up to 1.2x2.0m. The system includes module light bias and electrical bias, including an automatic servo to control the bias condition of the cell under test.
The system may be configured for conventional silicon modules, as well as thin-film CdTe, CIGS and others.
Repeatability over 9 hours and 32,000 measurements.
PulseQE Inline is revolutionizing Quantum Efficiency measurements today: the superior measurement stability provides high speed, inline measurements at 3500 UPH, and enables advanced statistical process control for modern PV manufacturing lines.
Please contact Tau Science or our Distributors to discuss your application requirements.